Can rabbits have corn husks?

Can bunnies eat corn husk


Travis is a small rabbit daddy who saw add of corn husks as a rabbit snack. He wants to treat his baby but he wonders  “Can rabbits have corn husks as a regular diet” and if there are any potential harms of the corn husks for his baby bunny.

 Yes, corn husks are safe for rabbits of all sizes and they can be given as a snack but it does not make the regular diet of rabbits because it lacks the required ingredients and components that make the proper meal for rabbit

Can bunnies eat corn husk
Can bunnies eat corn husk

What are the nutritional benefits of Corn Husks? 

High fiber: Corn husks are high in fiber and these fibers are perfectly digestible for rabbits. Fibers make the major calorie ingredient needed for rabbits and corn husks has the perfect amount of it. Thus, it makes a perfect diet


Chewing benefits:  Corn husks are chewable and perfectly fit with the molar and pre-molar arrangement of rabbit teeth. Rabbits enjoy chewing it slowly and experience it as fun to chew the corn husks. Therefore, corn husks are the perfect nutrition for rabbits and they can easily be used as a snack for the rabbit 


Vitamins:  Corn husks are rich in vitamins and their outer part contains Vitamin C and K which are best for rabbits 

Rabbits eating corn husks Rabbits eating corn husks

Are corns safe for the rabbits? 

 Corns are not good for the rabbits. Your rabbit is a sensitive creature and has a small and sensitive stomach. Corns create many stomach issues and it is not good for the rabbit. Furthermore, it also releases mycotoxins which are poisonous to the stomach and damage the organs of the rabbits. Therefore, corns are not recommended for the rabbits 


What are the potential harms of corn husks?


Firstly, corn husks is not like corn. It is greener and crispier. Only overfeeding and regular feeding of corn husks can cause these issues 

Stomach digestion issues: As with the other fiber-rich foods, the corn husks also causes bloating and bad digestion issues. This issue is common in all the foods that are rich in fiber. However, feed the corn husks in moderation to avoid it

High Sugar:  Only a few people know that the sugar amount in the corn husks is higher than any other green leaves due to starch. Therefore, consuming high sugar can cause obesity and laziness. It can also affect the insulin level balance in the blood leading to heart diseases. 

Allergic care:  It is rare but some rabbits are allergic to corn husks and therefore, you should try a little amount of it before giving a full treat 

How much amount of corn husks is safe for rabbits? 

 You should give only 10-15 percent of the total diet as a corn husks. 80 percent of the diet of rabbits should come from hay and green leaves. It can be an occasional treat for the rabbits. Therefore, avoid giving more than a few grams of corn husks to the rabbits. 


Precautions before feeding the corn husks to the baby bunny

  • Rinse and clean the husks of any potential pesticide 
  • You can cut it into small pieces but it is optional
  • Feed a little to check the allergic reaction
  • If she likes it, feed the full husks and let him enjoy the treat

Can Baby Rabbit eat Corn husks? 

 No, baby rabbits should not eat the recommended diet. You should not feed anything else and stick to the baby rabbit’s menu because of his soft stomach and digestive organs. Corn husks may prove fatal to the newborn rabbit. Adult and old rabbits easily chew and consume the corn husks. 


2 thoughts on “Can rabbits have corn husks?”

  1. Pingback: Can rabbits eat cucumber? | Cucumber seeds, leaves and pickles for Bunnies - Rabbit Rave

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